
Wednesday, April 29, 2015


I have made it to the 1000th post! Is it an honor or a dubious distinction? Who knows?

As I mentioned recently, I've been blogging for four years now. The blog has mostly been a way for me to keep track of my thoughts and opinions on books over the years. It has helped with my terrible memory, though sometimes I wish I included more spoilers and exact details of books to help my memory even more. Of those 1000 posts, almost 900 have been reviews, so it's been a busy four years for me. I have no intentions of slowing down, though I hope to try to incorporate more of my other thoughts into the blog when I can.

What is in store for the next 1000 posts? There's really no telling, though, as I said, I'm going to try to add more of my thoughts on literature related things when applicable. Of course, there will still be lots of reviews, as I'm still reading as feverishly as ever. I do wonder if I will ever get to the point of legitimately feeling "caught up" with the blog - it hasn't happened yet.

As I pass these milestones, it seems unlikely that my little blog will garner me fame and fortune, but I hope my reviews have been helpful to someone - that's really all I hope for. If you enjoy my reviews, please leave a comment once in a while - I love getting them and hearing what others think. Thanks for reading my blog and I hope you'll continue with me for the next 1000 posts!

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